On January 23, 2022, the 2022 New Year Forum for Alumni was successfully held with the main conference at the Tiangong Building of USTB and a webcast. The theme of the forum is “Digital Economy, Metaverse, Integration and Innovation”. It was organized by SEM and co-organized by the MBA Alumni Association of USTB, the Alumni Association of SEM and the Public Relations Office of the SEM.
The Forum was attended by Yan Xiangbin, Vice President of USTB, Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee and Dean of SEM, Wu Sen, Chairperson of the Party Committee of SEM, Gu Wei, Associate Dean of the school, Wen Ya, Associate Dean of SEM, Ni Yu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the school and Associate Dean of SEM, Wang Chen, Director of Professional Master’s Center, Qin Yifang and Yuan Shiliang of Public Relations Office, Shang Xiaochen, Counselor of Specialized Master and Xie Kehai, Head of the Alumni Association of the school, Shao Guochen, Wang Xin and Huang Xiaobin, Associate Heads, and Yang Cheng, Associate Head and Secretary General. The Forum was hosted by Li Changlin, the third Head of the MBA Alumni Association of USTB.
Facing the development opportunities of the digital economy and metaverse integration and innovation, the forum invited special guests such as Huang Xiaobin, Associate Head of the Alumni Association of SEM, Chairman and President of Beijing Timeloit Technology Co., Ltd., Li Hong, the second Associate Head of MBA Alumni Associate of USTB, the Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee and the Executive Director of SINOSTEEL, Cai Chunjiu, Technical Director of Tencent Cloud Computing(Beijing) Company Limited, and many other scholars and professionals. They gathered to discuss the opportunities and challenges brought by “Digital Economy, Metaverse, Integration and Innovation”.

Li Changlin presided over the forum
Yan Xiangbin, Vice President of USTB, Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee and Dean of SEM, introduced a series of achievements the school has made in the past year and wished the forum a great success.

Yan Xiangbin made a speech
Xie Kehai, Head of the Alumni Association of the SEM and President and CEO of Beifang Founder Group Co., Ltd. said in his speech that the Alumni Association of SEM will frequently contact the MBA Alumni Association of USTB in 2022 to build a high-quality communication platform for the alumni.

Xie Kehai delivered a speech
In the keynote speech, Huang Xiaobin, Associate Head of the Alumni Association of SEM, Chairman and President of Beijing Timeloit Technology Co., Ltd., made a speech on Digital Economy, Metaverse, Integration and Innovation. In the macro background of the digital economy development, Huang Xiaobin shared the concept of metaverse and the integration and innovation ideas on metaverse and digital economy.

Huang Xiaobin made a keynote speech
The digital economy takes digitalized knowledge and information as the key factors of production, digital technology innovation as its core driver, and modern information network as its important carrier. Through the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, it continuously improves the level of digitalization, networking and intelligence of traditional industries, and accelerates reconstruction of economic development and government governance model.

The forum
The roundtable session was presided over by Li Changlin. Li Hong and Cai Chunjiu, two experts of big data, had an in-depth discussion with Huang Xiaobin on the application prospect of metaverse in industrial Internet, new issues and development of metaverse in data governance, the development path of the metaverse, and the career, entrepreneurship and investment opportunities metaverse will generate.

Expert exchanges
The digital economy is an important engine for the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change. It is necessary to grasp the global trend of digital economy development, make good use of the resource, seize the opportunity and ride on the momentum. At the present stage, there are still many difficulties in the development of metaverse and digital economy, and innovation is the best way to survive and develop.
At the end of the forum, the participants took a group photo and the 2022 New Year Forum for Alumni came to a successful conclusion.

Group photo