SEM Cared for Students in Wuhan with Mask Packages
“I am really grateful to our school as well as the counselors for their concern for students in the infected area. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the counselors contacted us every day, asking about our health and living conditions, and send us masks when there was a shortage of prevention supplies. I am honored and glad to be one of the students in USTB!” This recent WeChat message sent by Xu Qian, a student of SEM 2018 to her counselor delighted the teachers. Xu Qian and her family live in Wuhan Huangpo District, Hubei Province. She returned home for the winter holiday when her home was hit by the outbreak of COVID-19. As it is the most severe area, she and her family were quite stressed. In particular, extreme shortage of protective masks brought trouble to the family’s self-protection and daily life.
Her counselor reported her situation to the school when he learned about it. Despite the shortage of protective materials and the difficulty in purchasing them, SEM spared no effort to find solutions. With the support from relevant departments and the alumni of the school, SEM was able to purchase some masks and send them to the students in Wuhan immediately.

Along with the protective masks, there was a postcard in each package to encourage students in Wuhan to have confidence in facing the pandemic. Counselor Li Xiang wrote: “Bingcun, the school and I have been very concerned about your situation. Looking forward to meeting you in spring in good health!” Counselor Shang Xiaochen wrote: “Zhiyong, the pandemic is serious and I hope you can protect yourself and your family well. There are protective masks in the package. Try not to go out and read more books at home. Waiting to play football with you. Hope Wuhan get through the pandemic soon! Take good care of yourself!”. Counselor Sun Xin wrote: “The world is big, but happiness is around the corner. I hope you can come back safely in spring. Looking forward to seeing you soon!” Counselor Hu Pengkai wrote: “Yuqing, it is a critical period of pandemic prevention and control. Please take care of yourself and your family. Hope the situation in Wuhan become better soon! When the pandemic is over, let’s go to eat WuHan Hot Noodles with Sesame Paste and see cherry blossom together!”

Sun Zhiyong from Business T17 class said: “I received the masks and warm encouragement from the school, and I feel the love and support from the school. I believe that the pandemic will be over soon. Cheer up, Wuhan! Cheer up, China!
After receiving the masks, Li Yuqing from Finance 181 class said, “I was wrapped with warmness and care. Everyone sent me concerned greetings, asked about my situation, and kindly reminded me not to go out and take protective measures. The school also sent some medical supplies. These concerns cheered me up during the gloomy days in Wuhan. The virus is scary, but the warmness and love will protect us from the virus.
Xu Bingcun, a graduate student of the Management 18 class said: Great thanks to our school and counselors for your concern. Please take care of your health and protect yourselves too!

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, SEM has provided constant care and help to the students in Wuhan. Counselors and teachers asked students about their health and living conditions everyday, and tried their best to help them according to their needs. The package brought them protection and care, helping them to stay away from virus and be closer to love. Students of SEM in Wuhan, please believe that love and warmth will defeat the virus. SEM is always with you!
Editor: Ge Yuyang
Review: Ni Yu