Lecture Topic: How Uber Is Shaping Public Transit System: A Counterfactual Estimator Approach
Speaker: Liangfei Qiu, Associate Professor, University of Florida
Time: 09:00 a.m. 16th March, 2022
Tencent Conference: Conference ID: 277-149-017
Liangfei Qiu is the PricewaterhouseCoopers Associate Professor and University Term Professor at Warrington College of Business, University of Florida. He also serves as the Ph.D. coordinator for the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management. His current research focuses on social technology (social networks, social media, and prediction markets), platform technology (sharing/gig economy, e-commerce platforms, and healthcare analytics), telecommunications technology, and Fintech. His research has appeared in premier academic journals, including Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, and Decision Support Systems. He received the INFORMS Information Systems Society Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award and Association for Information Systems (AIS) Early Career Award in 2019. He is currently an Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly, a Senior Editor for Production and Operations Management, and an Associate Editor for Decision Support Systems.