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Email:Wangliukai1@ustb.edu.cn liukai_w@163.com


汪刘凯,博士,副教授,曾获安徽省优秀博士论文、北京科技大学优秀博士后、永利集团88304官网在线登录科研青年奖优秀本科生导师等。主要从事金融科技、风险管理、可持续运营领域研究。主持国家自然科学基金等科研项目7项,先后发表学术论文30余篇、其中20余篇为学院认定的A类期刊。受邀担任Transportation Research Part EJournal of Business LogisticsResources Conservation and RecyclingJournal of Computer Information SystemsCogent Business & Management 5本期刊的客座编辑、副主编和编委,《管理科学学报》、《系统科学与数学》、IJOPMOmegaIRFAIJFEIJPRIEEE TEMANORIMMBSEJBRESWA10余本期刊审稿人。指导的本科生论文获2024年北京市优秀本科生毕业论文、北京科技大学优秀本科生毕业论文。


2017.09-2021.06    合肥工业大学    管理学博士              

2019.09-2021.04    英国约克大学    博士研究生联合培养            


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项持人2024.01-2026.12.

[2] 中国博士后科学基金, 持人, 2021.11-2023.10.

[3] 中国科协科技智库青年项目, 持人2022.07-2022.12.

[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目持人2022.11-2024.10.

[5] 企事业单位委托项目, 持人2024.01-2026.12.

[6] 中央高校基本科研业务费精品文科项目, 持人2023.10- 2024.09.

[7] 中国科协科技智库青年项目, 持人2024.07-2024.12.


[1] 安徽省优秀博士论文, 2022

[2] 安徽省优秀毕业生, 2021、2014

[3] 北京科技大学优秀博士后, 2024

[4] 北京科技大学博士后出站考核"特优", 2023

[5] 永利集团88304官网在线登录"科研工作青年奖", 2022、2023

[6] 永利集团88304官网在线登录"优秀本科生导师", 2023

[7] 全国大学生统计建模大赛学科竞赛优秀指导教师, 2022


[1] 汪刘凯*, 张小波, 闫相斌, 王未卿 (2023). 基于混频数据驱动神经网络模型的波动率预测研究.系统工程理论与实践, 1-11.(FMS T1)

[2] 汪刘凯, 张小波, 王未卿, 刘澄 (2022). 基于MIDAS-SVQR的供应链金融质押物风险价值测度新方法.中国管理科学, 1-13. (FMS T1)

[3] 王未卿, 李雨晴, 汪刘凯*, 李梦婷, 付泽益 (2024). 基于高维混频D-Vine Copula的投资组合决策. 系统科学与数学, 1-11. (FMS T2)

[4] Wang L., Yan J., Chen X., Xu Q. (2021). Do network capabilities improve corporate financial performance? Evidence from financial supply chains. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 41, 336-358. (ABS 4)

[5] He C., Jia F., Wang L., Chen L., Fernandes K. (2023). The impact of corporate social responsibility decoupling on financial performance: the role of customer structure and operational slack. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 1-32. (ABS 4)

[6] Wang L., Wang C., Larisa Y., Huang H. (2024). Trade credit and corporate digital transformation: The role of managerial ability. Financial Review, 1-32. (ABS 3)

[7] Wang L., Li T*., Meng X. (2024). Closer cooperates, more greenly disclosures? The impact of supplier concentration on climate change disclosure performance. International Journal of Finance and Economics, Accepted. (ABS 3)

[8] Wang L., Xu Y., Jia F., Chen L. (2024). Financial stability of suppliers or customers and focal firm’s financial performance: The role of financial flexibility of and financial dependency on suppliers or customers, Production Planning & Control, Accepted. (ABS 3)

[9] Wang W., Liang J., Wang L*., Xiong Y. (2024). Identifying ICO scam risk with PU learning based on features engineering of venture capital. Annals of Operations ResearchAccepted. (ABS 3)

[10] Xu Y., Jia F., Wang L*., Chen L. (2024). Can digital transformation improve firm resilience to supply chain disruption? The role of diversification strategies. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 1-32. (ABS 3)

[11] Huang X., Ullah M., Wang L.*, Ullah F., Khan R. (2024). Green supply chain management practices and triple bottom line performance: Insights from an emerging economy with a mediating and moderating model. Journal of Environmental Management, 1-32. (ABS 3)

[12] Wang, L., Jia F., Chen L., Xu Q. (2024). The effect of development of social good products on market value: Evidence from vaccine manufacturing enterprises. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 1-12. (ABS 3)

[13] Wang L., Li M., Wang W., Gong Y., Xiong Y. (2022). Green innovation output in the supply chain network with environmental information disclosure: An empirical analysis of Chinese listed firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 108745. (ABS 3)

[14] Wang L., Kong X., Wang W., Gong Y. (2023). Pursuing supply chain ecosystem health under environmental turbulence: A supply chain learning approach. International Journal of Production Research, 1-20. (ABS 3)

[15] Wang L., Jia F., Chen L., Xu Q. (2022). Forecasting SMEs’ credit risk in supply chain finance with a sampling strategy based on machine learning techniques. Annals of Operations Research, 1-33. (ABS 3)

[16] Wang L., Su Y., Huang H., Gong Y., Wang W. (2022). Director's network location and corporate environmental investment in the carbon neutrality age.Business Strategy and the Environment, 1-19. (ABS 3)

[17] Xu Y., Wang L.*, Xing Y., Wang M., Xie X. (2023). Does digital transformation foster corporate social responsibility? Evidence from Chinese mining industry. Journal of Environmental Management, 344, 118646. (ABS 3)

[18] Wang W., Zhang Z., Wang L*., Xiong Y. (2024). Forecasting the market value of power battery industry chain: A novel RRMIDAS-SVR model. Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 1-22. (管理科学学报英文版)

[19] Xu Q., Wang L., Jiang C., Jia F., Chen L. (2022). Tail dependence network of new energy vehicle industry in mainland China. Annals of Operations Research, 1-26. (ABS 3)

[20] Xu Q., Wang L., Jiang C., Zhang X. (2019). A novel UMIDAS-SVQR model with mixed frequency investor sentiment for predicting stock market volatility. Expert Systems with Applications, 132, 12-27. (ABS 3)

[21] Xu Y., Wang L.*, Wang W., Chen H., Meng X. (2024). The promotion of digital transformation for supply chain diversification in service-oriented manufacturing paradigm. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-25. (ABS 2)

[22] Wang L., Jia F., Chen L., Xu Q., Lin X. (2021). Exploring the dependence structure among Chinese firms in the 5G industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121, 409-435. (ABS 2)

[23] Huang H., Wang C., Wang L*., Yarovaya L. (2023). Corporate digital transformation and idiosyncratic risk: Based on corporate governance perspective. Emerging Markets Review, 56, 101045. (ABS 2)

[24] Wang C., Wang L*., Wang W., Xiong Y., Du C. (2023). Does carbon emission trading policy promote the corporate technological innovation? Empirical evidence from China's high-carbon industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137286. (ABS 2)

[25] Huang H., Shang R., Wang L*., Gong Y. (2022). Corporate social responsibility and firm value: evidence from Chinese targeted poverty alleviation. Management Decision, 1-20. (ABS 2)

[26] Wang W., Zhang Z., Wang L*., Zhang X., Zhang Z. (2022). Mixed-frequency data-driven forecasting the important economies’ performance in a smart city: A novel RUMIDAS-SVR model. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 1-24. (ABS 2)

[27] Huang H., Zou Y., Wang L*., Wang W., Ren X. (2023). Impact of carbon information disclosure on corporate financing constraints: Evidence from the carbon disclosure project. Australian Journal of Management, 1-28. (ABS 2)

[28] Li T., Meng X., Jia F., Chen L., Wang L. (2023). Do carbon neutrality initiatives affect the shareholder value of firms? Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 138115. (ABS 2)

[29] Huang H., Zhang J., Yan J., Gong Y., Wang L*. (2022). Supply chain network structure and firm’s R&D investments: empirical evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. European Journal of Innovation Management, 1-21. (ABS 1)

[30] Xu Q., Wang L., Jiang C., Liu Y. (2019). A novel (U)MIDAS-SVR model with multi-source market sentiment for forecasting stock returns. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-14. (SCI Q1)


[1] 金融科技与金融大数据分析

[2] 金融计量与风险管理

[3] 金融创新与供应链金融

[4] 可持续运营管理